Our impact The difference we make Research, Resources and Sharing Good Practice WRC has an impressive library with over 100 publications on a variety of topics relevant for the women’s sector and women’s human rights in the UK. All members have FREE access to the WRC library. Non-members can purchase 30 day access. Find out more about the WRC Library Find out about our memberships Purchase 30 day access to the research library "Research consistently demonstrates that the best guarantee to secure and protect women’s rights is the independent action of women’s movements and organisations. Decision makers need to adequately resource the local specialist women’s organisations that provide cost effective, high quality support for the most disadvantaged" Vivienne Hayes MBE, WRC CEO What difference does WRC make to share good practice, research and resources? Our research aims to build our evidence base, increase knowledge and information, and raise awareness on issues pertinent to the women’s sector. Examples of our work include: Hearing Women’s Voices: Why Women 2018 (WRC, 2018) This report investigates and explores the value of women-only services. The launch of the report was held in City Hall with the then Deputy Mayor of Social Integration as the keynote speaker. Find the report here. CEDAW England Shadow Report (WRC, 2018) This Report is the product of extensive consultation and via six regional workshops, with women and women’s organisations across England. This report provides a true and accurate account of women’s equality in the UK and sets out recommendations to address this. Life-Changing and Life-Saving: Funding for the women’s sector (WRC & WBG 2018) This is a report about the status of funding for the women’s sector. It sets out the case for specialist women’s organisations, identifies their current sources of funding and explores the challenges that they face in terms of financial sustainability. The report explores recent changes in the funding landscape for voluntary organisations, including the shift to commissioning of services, the impact of austerity on the demand for support services and on funding available, and the likely impact that Brexit is going to have on the women’s sector Promising practice from the frontline – Exploring gendered approaches to supporting women experiencing homelessness and multiple disadvantage (WRC & Homeless Link, 2018) This scoping research explores gendered support available in England to women who experience homelessness and multiple disadvantage. Fair Deal for Women: Women and Power (WRC 2018) This report links the statistics to the everyday experiences of women and joins the dots of women’s inequality across all areas of their lives. It is the product of two of WRC’s projects, Women Speak Out and Fair Deal for Women. Manage Cookie Preferences