Our impact The difference we make Influencing change WRC undertakes regular consultations with its members on matters affecting the women’s sector to influence policy-makers and other relevant decision-makers. WRC organises and actively contributes to events, forums, consultations, and roundtables to influence policy and legislation related to women’s equality. WRC also sits on a number of national forums. What difference does WRC make to influence change? CEDAW For decades, WRC has been coordinating the production of the Shadow Report, through consultation with 100s of women’s organisations and other women’s human rights defenders across the UK. The report provides an accurate and true account of the status of women’s rights in the UK and is submitted to the monitoring body (the Committee) to CEDAW. The CEDAW Committee use the Shadow Report for evidence in their examination of the UK Government. Through this intensive advocacy work, WRC managed to identify an agreed position for the women’s sector on prostitution, a historically controversial and contentious issue. This agreed position on prostitution has been called “a milestone in the history of feminism” and an example of how we can work collectively across differences. Our CEDAW work Tampon Tax Women’s Resource Centre is currently running a campaign for the Government to honour their promise and pay back the Tampon Tax Debt to women’s health and support charities. Obviously, we don’t think women should have to pay VAT on items that are necessary, but this money has been collected for decades and the Government has - we estimate - collected over £700 million from women through this tax. So, we believe that whilst we support the end of this tax on women, the money that has been and continues to be raised should go to supporting the needs of the poorest and most marginalised women in society. Find out more about the campaign and how YOU can get involved. Pay Back the Tampon Tax Women’s Manifesto Women’s Resource Centre played an integral role in the creation of the Women’s Manifesto. We are a coalition of 29 organisations striving for gender equality and women’s human rights. We call on candidates from across the political spectrum to adopt policies to redress the imbalances in our society that harm all women and girls, especially those who are further marginalised by race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation or disability. We call on candidates to commit to: End violence against women and girls Secure women’s equal representation in politics Promote equality in the workplace and in the home Invest in public services Lift women & children out of poverty This is manifesto for change. A manifesto for a more equal society. Women and Girls Manifesto Manage Cookie Preferences