Nikki Adjei is a fashion and design expert, academically holding a B.A. Fashion and Design (Hons). She developed her love for natural skin and hair care products whilst on holiday in the US in 2007 with her then 5-month-old baby son.

Nikki discovered the benefits of Ghanaian natural shea butter during a conversation with a friend. Since the discovery, Nikki began to formulate handmade skin and hair care products using her knowledge of plants and botanicals and founded Karite Souffle in 2007 using pure and unrefined shea butter sourced from Ghana.

Originally from Ghana, Nikki sources all the shea butter ingredients directly from the women in the Northern parts of Ghana. She’s on a mission to help us all return to nature and move away from the side effects of synthetic chemical ingredients. Nikki has been creating and using homemade products with her husband and children, making them an intrinsic part of their lifestyle.

Shop Karite Souffle

Strawberry Karite Souffle - by Nikki Adjei

Lemon Karite Souffle - by Nikki Adjei

Vanilla Karite Souffle - by Nikki Adjei