Beyond care: 75 years of NHS's commitment to women's health, rights and safety 

In 2023, the National Health Service (NHS) celebrates its 75th anniversary. IRISi have selected this occasion to focus on significant contributions to women's health, rights and safety. Campaigning against Gender-Based Violence across the 16-days, you are also welcome to explore 16 topics, each underscoring the vital role healthcare settings can play in tackling GBV. 
Find out more

Call for Workshop Facilitators - Online Youth Empowerment Project 

Inspiring Women Network (IWN) is embarking on an impactful project aimed at addressing the challenges faced by young people of colour in Cornwall. Through extensive experience and collaboration with community groups locally, there is a pressing need for a safe spaces for young people to learn and discuss their identity and experiences with racism. Email Inspiring Women's Network.

Upcoming events at Survivor's Network

21st - 28th Nov: Big Give Online Auction
  • Join the online auction featuring gifts from local artists and businesses. 100% goes to vital services.
25th Nov: White Ribbon Day
  • Landmarks like Brighton Pavilion, Brighton Pier, Worthing Town Hall, and Duke of York's Cinema will light up purple in solidarity with White Ribbon Day.
  • Players in the Lewes FC vs Haringey Borough game at The Dripping Pan will be wearing white and white ribbons will be wrapped on seats to represent sexual violence statistics.
  • Players from Brighton & Hove Albion men's and women's teams recorded messages of support and help confront gender-based violence through their extensive network.
28th Nov - 5th Dec: Big Give Campaign
  • Join the Big Give campaign to raise £20,000, aiming to reduce therapy waiting times (currently at 30 months). All donations doubled until the target is reached.

Launch of Banking Support Directory
To coincide with Economic Abuse Awareness Day and throughout 16 Days of Activism, Surviving Economic Abuse is raising awareness of economic abuse and how victim-survivors can get the support they need, whoever they reach out to. The charity will be launching its Banking Support Directory, an online tool that brings together information about the support some of the UK’s major banks and building societies can offer victim-survivors of economic abuse and how to get in touch. Find out more.

"My Body, My Choice"- 10th edition out now

The View, the only magazine by and for women in the justice system publishes its 10th edition, themed "My Body, My Choice", exploring the impact of the carceral estate on women's freedoms.Lisa Azarmi, creator of Ravenous Butterflies, shares her journey from overcoming hardship to crafting her latest book, An Apothecary of Art to Soothe Your Soul. Also in this edition, renowned philosopher Lisa Guenther examines women's challenges in prison through a gendered lens. Read it.

Muslim Marriages in Britain – Know Your Rights   

Explore your rights in Muslim marriages in Britain by watching this video. Learn about legal recognition and its impact on your rights. For additional information or support, reach out to the Muslim Women's Network Helpline, available Monday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm.

Call: 0800 999 5786 | Text/WhatsApp: 07415 206 936 | Email: [email protected]

Walk and Talk - A guide to setting up a walking group   

Women from some minority ethnic groups are more likely to report poor health. In 2022, Muslim Women’s Network UK (MWNUK) received a grant from Sport England to set up walking groups to encourage women to become more active and improve their health and wellbeing.  Though the project has ended, this guide has been produced for anyone wanting to set up their own walk group.

Webinar: Exiting and women who sell or exchange sex in Scotland Wednesday 29th November, 11 am - 1 pm

Women's Support Project is holding a free webinar exploring the needs of women who sell or exchange sex when they choose to exit the ‘sex industry.’  This webinar is an introductory session and not intended as a comprehensive training session. Register.

Webinar: Only Fans – culture, content, consumers Thursday 7th December, 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm  
During the 16 Days of Activism campaign, Women’s Support Project will be hosting a webinar exploring OnlyFans' risks. While respecting creators' choices, the event covers OnlyFans creation, risks, its impact on men’s attitudes, safety strategies for creators, and the platform's future. Register.
Bromley & Croydon Women's Aid (BCWA) win Third place at the London Homelessness AwardsBromley & Croydon Women’s Aid (BCWA) won third place at the 2023 London Homelessness Awards, the only domestic abuse charity finalist. Their achievement recognizes the vital work of supporting women with no recourse to public funds through the innovative Safe Beds Scheme. BCWA also received a £10,000 prize fund that will go to reaching more women and their children. Read more.
#16DAYS: IRISi reflects on 75 years of NHS's commitment to women's health, rights and safety