News News from our Community News from our community - April 2024 News Nottingham Central Women’s Aid Central Women's Aid are delivering a survivor recovery programme that takes place every Tuesday and Thursday morning in Nottingham City. Information is as follows: Tuesdays: The freedom programme from 9:30 am to 11:30 am explores the tactics used to retain power and control by an abusive person when we are in a coercive controlling relationship and helps us to understand what happened Thursdays: Power of Change Programme from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm explores our basic rights as women. Why is it so hard to leave? We have sessions on boundaries, coping with grief, fear and guilt and anger, healthy and unhealthy forms of conflict All sessions are run by domestic abuse specialists who can offer further support and signposting to help you recover and heal after the trauma of abuse and control. All women aged 16 + are welcome to attend · Sessions are held weekly and attending is free, as well as free childcare spaces being available too. · Refreshments are provided, along with biscuits and lots of self-care, what’s more all sessions are friendly and informal. Booking is easy, please email [email protected] or call on 0115 9607943. Leave your name and contact details and someone will get back in touch with you to book a free place for the next session. Referring someone else? Please complete a Community programmes referral form Self Injury Support Self Injury Support (SIS) have re-opened their helpline, and expanded their reach to support people of all genders. However, Thursday evenings remains as a space where only self-identifying women volunteer, so if anyone feels more comfortable speaking to another woman they can get in touch that day. The helpline opening times are Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm. People are welcome to either call on 0808 800 8088 or text on 07537432444. Volunteers can speak on the phone for up to half an hour with each caller or they can respond to text messages for the whole evening. SIS also have a theatre project going on called Self Injury Through Time which explores how attitudes towards self-harm have changed since the 16th and 7th centuries (and prove that it’s not just a modern problem). Through this, SIS are working to reduce the stigma around self-harm and are now looking for written submissions from the anyone who has experience of self-harm, these will then be either read out loud during the performance, pre-recorded and played or used as inspiration for writing lines of the script for the play. Stories, poems, bits of script, spoken word, personal experiences or even just a train of thought, all are welcomed. Please submit your contribution via a form on their website, live until 5th May. Submit your contribution here: Self Injury Through Time (SITT) | Submission Manage Cookie Preferences