Enhance your career progression with our Network for Black Women Leaders (NBWL) coaching programme! 


We're pleased to announce that we have received funding for our NBWL coaching programme, tailor-made for amazing Black women like you! The best part is this means that we take on the costs of providing you with valuable support and use this funding to ensure that dedicated, relatable coaches facilitate you at every point of your journey. 

We only ask for your presence, your feedback and your commitment to growth.

What's in store for participants?

       One-to-one and Group Coaching

       Solid Mentorship: Wisdom from those who've been there.

       Great Networking Events: Opportunities to Connect and Grow.

     Dedicated support: We're fully-funded until July 2025 with opportunities for you to grow into mentors and experts in your chosen fields.

How NBWL Coaching Works

      Initial Chat (30 minutes): A friendly one-to-one with your coach. Get to know each other, explore expectations, and set useful intentions for the journey ahead together.

      Group Sessions (Three at 90 minutes each): Share, learn, and grow with fellow participants.

      Wrap-Up Chat (45 minutes): A look-back on your coaching journey and plan your next steps.


By the end of the programme we anticipate participants to:

      Increase ability to network with peers and inspirational role models,

      Increase ability to unpack and address how racialised trauma prevents progress.

      Increase ability to challenge negative gender and racial stereotypes in order to authentically celebrate Black women leaders.

      Increase confidence, skills and strategies for career progression and financial resilience.

      Be equipped to be connected to like-minded black women around the UK.

      Prepare for progression in their personal and professional development.

      Utilise a safe space where Black women can unapologetically show up as “who they are”.

      “Harness the energy” (to eliminate structural barriers, frustration, and “feeling stuck”, in order to navigate, explore, and  inform)

      Become validated, celebrated and supported.

      Grow into their roles as aspirational leaders.

      Develop self-efficacy and the confidence to progress to/in leadership roles.   

Black women across the UK, this is for you! Boost your confidence and leadership skills. Let’s get started!

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Please read through these to ensure you are fully prepared for the commitment ahead.

WRC expects participants to:

      Appreciate this safe, Black women-only space.

      Respect the other participants and WRC staff/associates.

      Treat everyone fairly and without prejudice or discrimination.

      Be an active listener.

      Respect and appreciate the knowledge and expertise of the other participants.

      Encourage each other.

      Respect confidentiality - “share the learning but not the person”.

      Never engage in patronising, abusive, threatening or intrusive behaviour.

WRC reserves the right to refuse entry and admission to anyone who is in breach of these Terms and Conditions. WRC also reserves the right to cease a participant's involvement if they are believed to be in breach of the Terms and Conditions prior to or during coaching.

Please check your calendar to confirm that you are available for the sessions. To be eligible for the programme, we will need you to commit to one of each of the one-to-one sessions, and all of the group sessions listed below. Let us know if you have any questions.

Schedule for Coaching Cohort 3 (October 2023 – January 2024)- subject to change

Session title



One-to-One Intro sessions

w/c 8th January 2024

6 – 6:30pm or

7:15 – 7:45pm


w/c 15th January 2024

6 – 6:30pm or

7:15 – 7:45pm

Group Clarity Session:

Welcome and Introductions

Outline of Programme

Principles of engagement

Setting Parameters for next session

Monday 22nd January 2024

6:30 – 8pm

Group Session 2

Monday 12th February 2024

6:30 - 8pm

Group Session 3

Monday 4th March 2024

6:30 - 8pm

Group Session 4

Monday 25th March 2024

6:30 - 8pm

One to One Follow-up Sessions

w/c 8th April 2024 (Monday - Friday)

6-6:45pm or



w/c 15th April 2024 (Monday - Friday)

6-6:45pm or


With thanks to our partners Kenroi Consulting.

And thanks to Patricia Alert, Dolly Ogunrinde, Rosemary Jackson, and Dionne Nelson for their guidance.

Any Questions?
Check our quick and handy FAQs - here, we've most likely answered any initial questions you might have.

Need help?

If you still need help with a query, please email [email protected], and we will respond as quickly as possible.