This project took place 1 January - 30 June 2021. It has now ended.

WRC is thrilled to announce that we have been awarded funding by Rosa UK to deliver the Feminist Leadership programme 2021! 

“I had such a great time being a part of this project and it has offered me so many opportunities that a woman like me doesn't necessarily get in life” (2018-2019 participant)

“I have grown in confidence about my leadership and management style - and I think this has helped with my line management in my current job. I have applied for a new job in a senior leadership role, partly due to confidence brought by the course. I feel much more informed and have more insight about unconscious bias and intersectionality which I think is critical to being a good manager” (2019-2020 Feminist Leadership participant)

About the programme 

Who's it for?

Programme content

Time commitment and schedule

How do I apply?

Terms and Conditions

More information

About the programme

This FREE training programme consists of six 3-hour online sessions on Feminist Leadership. The training will provide you with practical and analytical skills that you will be able to apply in your organisation and in your community. 

Who's it for?

This is for women staff members or volunteers at women’s organisations in the UK. The programme welcomes all women to apply but will prioritise applicants who fulfil one or more of the below criteria:

  • Black and minoritised women
  • Rosa grantees
  • Emerging rather than established leaders/those with little or no experience of leadership

We aim to offer places to women that we believe would benefit most from this Feminist Leadership Programme, which will be in line with the above criteria. However, we encourage all women to apply for this course, even if you do not fulfil the selection criteria above. We aim to create as diverse groups as possible to ensure a valuable exchange of learning and perspectives between the participants.

Given the popularity of this programme we will not be able to offer a place to all that apply. If you are not provided a place at this point, we will put you on a waiting list and will let you know if a place opens up for you.

Programme content

The programme consists of the following topics/themes:

Feminism, Intersectionality and Leadership

Introducing feminism and intersectionality through a combination of theory and exercises. We discuss leadership through various exercises and cover topics of what we associate with leaders, traditional assumptions of leadership and the relationship with feminism.

Emotional Intelligence

Investigating the ‘four components’ of emotional intelligence through group work and self-reflection and analyse whether and how emotional intelligence is important to the feminist leader.

Unconscious Bias Interrupted

We explore unconscious bias is, where it can originate from, examples of how it can be manifested in the workplace, and how to interrupt and challenge such bias. 


We explore the concept of power, including its meaning, where and how it’s manifested, personal relationships with power and its influence on leadership and the relationship between power and empowerment.

Presentation and Pitching

Investigating techniques and tips on presentation and pitching through theory and practical action learning elements.

Burnout: Signs, Impact, Prevention

Burnout is a serious condition that mainly affects women. We investigate what burnout is, its symptoms and what causes burnout at the workplace. We thereafter consider measures, policies and procedures that the work place could take to prevent burnout happening to their staff.

Project Management

Exploring areas and aspects of project management and provides the participant with various project management tools and techniques.

Relationship Management

This session explores elements relevant to relationship management, including communication and learning styles, conflict management and understanding different personalities through self-reflection, group work and practical exercises. 

Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is part of our lives and we negotiate on a daily basis but when it comes to negotiating in our professional life, it can feel daunting. This session will explore negotiation skills and tools through self-reflection, group work and practical exercises. 

Applying your learning and reflections

The last session of the programme will be tailored by the women in the group, we have therefore not prescribed a theme or topic of the session. The session will be action learning-based and will focus on reflections and how the training will and can be applied in practice.

Time commitment and schedule

To apply for this programme each participant must be able to attend all six training sessions.

Group 1
Group 2

Session 1: Thursday 8 April, 10am-1pm

Session 2: Thursday 15 April, 10am-1pm

Session 3: Thursday 22 April, 10am-1pm

Session 4: Thursday 13 May, 10am-1pm

Session 5: Thursday 27 May, 10am-1pm

Session 6: Thursday 3 June, 10am-1pm

Session 1: Friday 9 April, 1-4pm

Session 2: Friday 16 April, 1-4pm

Session 3: Friday 23 April, 1-4pm

Session 4: Friday 14 May, 1-4pm

Session 5: Friday 28 May, 1-4pm

Session 6: Friday 4 June, 1-4pm

Group 3
Group 4

Session 1: Tuesday 13 April, 10am-1pm

Session 2: Tuesday 20 April, 10am-1pm

Session 3: Tuesday 11 May, 10am-1pm

Session 4: Thursday 20 May, 10am-1pm

Session 5: Tuesday 1 June, 10am-1pm

Session 6: Thursday 10 June, 10am-1pm

Session 1: Wednesday 14 April, 1-4pm

Session 2: Wednesday 21 April, 1-4pm

Session 3: Wednesday 12 May, 1-4pm

Session 4: Friday 21 May, 1-4pm

Session 5: Wednesday 2 June, 1-4pm

Session 6: Friday 11 June, 1-4pm

How do I apply?

To apply for this programme, please complete the application form on our event page.

Please make sure that you are able to attend the sessions of the group you have picked.

Please note that completion of application form does not guarantee a place on the training.

Deadline for applications: 28 February 2021

WRC aims to notify applicants by w/c 15 March 2021.

Apply here

Terms and Conditions

WRC expects participants to:

  • Respect this training to be women-only.
  • Respect the other participants and WRC staff/associates, treat everyone fairly and without prejudice or discrimination
  • Be an active listener to other participants' stories
  • Respect and appreciate the knowledge and expertise of the other participants
  • Encourage other participants to speak and contribute to discussions
  • Respect the confidentiality in the room - share the learning but not the person
  • Never engage in patronising, abusive, threatening or intrusive behaviour

WRC reserves the right to refuse entry and admission to anyone who is in breach of the above Terms and Conditions. WRC reserves the right to cease a participant’s involvement if in breach of the above Terms and Conditions (prior or during event).

More information

For more information please contact the project manager Evelina on [email protected] or call 020 7697 3460.

We look forward to hearing from you.