Women's Resource Centre's Feminist Leadership Training Programme is available to be tailored and delivered for your organisation and your and your team's needs. 

“My ability to see how I could exercise leadership through a feminist lens is so exciting. I will carry these methods/attitudes/skills into my work moving forward”

Read our case stories here

About the training programme

The programme is available as one, two, three and four-day training. We are able to deliver it face to face or online, depending on the need of your organisation. 

The training is fully CPD accredited and participants will recieve certifications following completion of the training.

Content of training

The following modules are included in the training:

  • Feminist Leadership - an introduction
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Staff wellbeing and preventing burnout
  • Belonging, equity, equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Negotiation
  • Presentation and pitching
  • Power
  • Values and organisational culture

See here for more information about the different modules and see examples of what the training can look like. 

Feminist Leadership Modules


The objectives will differ depending on length of training and needs of your organisation, but typically participants will following the training: 

  • Increased their knowledge about anti-racist feminist theory and its application to leadership
  • Gained capabilities in challenging bias at the workplace 
  • Increased commitment to creating a healthy and safe work environment
  • Gained tools and know-how to create changes to apply a feminist leadership framework at the workplace
  • Developed their ability to manage challenging situations and facilitate difficult conversations in productive ways
  • Developed their understanding of power - organisationally, inter-personally and privately - and its impact on leadership
  • Developed their ability to lead their organisation and others according to feminist values
  • Increased their understanding of the role of organisational values to leadership and their ability to practice organisational values in their day-to-day

The Facilitators

The training is delivered by two of our Feminist Leadership Trainers:

Evelina Svensson is a Development Manager at Women’s Resource Centre. Evelina is the initiator of the Feminist Leadership programme and together Evelina and Tebussum have designed the programme and delivered it to over 800 participants worldwide since its launch in 2018.

Tebussum Rashid is the deputy CEO of Action for Race Equality. Tebussum designed the programme together with Evelina. Tebussum has over 30 years of experience in training for voluntary and community organisations on topics including but not limited to unconscious bias, project management, strategy and fundraising.

Inderjit Sahota is a Development Manager at Women’s Resource Centre. She has designed and delivered bespoke training programmes and workshops with leaders from the community and voluntary sector to develop themselves and their organisations. 

Mariama Njie-Ceesay is the former Project Manager for the Network for Black Women Leaders. Before joining WRC, she delivered training, workshops and programmes to public sector organisations across the UK.

Having two facilitators increases the quality of the programme, as they complement each other in their competencies and capabilities. Having two trainers with different experiences enables a less hierarchical and more collaborative setting with the participants. It also enables a safe, open and interactive atmosphere within the room. The trainers are personable and friendly yet structured and focused. 

“I enjoyed it and appreciated having space to think about the skills and values that a leader of social change requires. I really got a lot from both trainers, who were very generous in sharing their experiences”


To enquire about the training and our offers, please contact Inderjit Sahota at [email protected] or call us on 02076973450.