This guide explores the options for survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence where the police or CPS do not charge the abuser with an offence.

The briefing aims to provide information to practitioners so they can understand what options a survivor has in these circumstances and support them to secure justice and safety through other routes if they choose to.


This briefing is created by Rights of Women.

It is produced by funding from London Councils for the Ascent Support Services to Organisations project. 

About Ascent

Ascent is a partnership project undertaken by the London Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Consortium, delivering a range of services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, under six themes, funded by London Councils. The second tier support project aims to address the long term sustainability needs of organisations providing services to those affected by sexual and domestic violence. The project seeks to improve the quality of such services across London by providing a range of training and support. 

Women’s Resource Centre is the lead partner in the Support Services Strand where we work together with 5 partner organisations:

Rights of Women


Women and Girls Network

Against Violence and Abuse (AVA)


Find out more about the Ascent project here.

Ascent logo