Welcome to the Network for Black Women Leaders Mentoring Programme!

We are thrilled that you are interested in joining our community of emerging leaders and are open to growing personally and professionally with the help of our carefully selected mentors. 

The application is your first step with us in your journey of growth, empowerment, and leadership. Up until now, you’ve been going it alone - just imagine the progress you can make over the next six months - we’re here for you.

Before you begin, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Time Investment 

Please allocate 45 minutes to 1 hour to fill out this application. It's designed to deeply understand your goals, strengths, and aspirations. A thoughtful and thorough response will enable us to align you with available mentors who best suit your needs and aspirations.

Reflective Space

Consider taking a little more time to think about your answers, especially for questions about your experiences, challenges, and future aspirations. This application is not just about providing information but also a chance for self-reflection and clarity about your personal and professional journey.

Submission Review

Before submitting, please review your responses to ensure they accurately reflect your thoughts and experiences. Spelling and Grammar aren’t important, but please bear in mind that your detailed and genuine answers are crucial for us to understand your unique story and how the Network for Black Women Leaders Mentoring Programme can best support your leadership journey.

You’re already here, so you’ve taken the first step. We look forward to learning more about you and exploring how we can grow together in leadership and impact.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our Programme Lead, [email protected], who can help you through this process.

This introduction is designed to prepare mentee for the application process, emphasising the value of their contributions and ensuring that they understand the importance of their thoughtful and honest participation.