This paper forms part of Women’s Resource Centre’s (WRC) response to the House of Lords Select Committee on Public Services Inquiry into the lessons which can be learned from charities in the COVID-19 crisis. It focuses upon lessons that national and local women’s voluntary organisation and grassroots community groups (VCOs) have learned during the crisis.

It is one of three complementary papers submitted by WRC. The other papers are:

  • Lessons about the role of women’s charities in delivering public services: A Case Study from Listening to Women’s Voices (Sunderland), June 2020.
  • Lessons from Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Case study: London VAWG Consortium, June 2020.

This paper covers:

a) How women’s inequalities have worsened because of the COVID-19 crisis, including: the new pressures the COVID-19 crisis has placed upon already hard-pressed women’s VCOs; and how women, particularly those with additional protected characteristics are less able to access the needed services during lockdown (Question 10)

b) How women’s VCOs have increased the effectiveness of public services in: identifying and meeting the needs of the most disadvantaged women, who are frequently marginalised from public services; and supporting women with multiple and intersecting (“complex”) needs (Question 9)

c) The lessons to be learnt for reducing inequalities from the new approaches.


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