News Blogs & News Women's Sector Resources In response to identified requests and needs of the women's sector, Women's Resource Centre has created a collection of resources: Women-Friendly HR This resource has been created through desk research and evidence collected through WRC training and events. The aim of this resource is to function as a way of inspiration in guiding how you can think about HR policies in terms of making them more equitable at your work place. We are not claiming there is a one-size-fits-all approach, however we are encouraging reflection and analysis on how your HR policies are working for or against a more equitable work environment. While it is important to work towards external change in the work towards social justice and equity, it is also crucial to reflect on one’s own space and ability to create change. Women-Friendly HR Women's Sector Glossary For organisations working in areas of anti-racism, anti-sexism and the promotion and protection of women’s human rights and safety, they know that language is power. For those joining the sector the various words, terms, concepts and jargon used can feel intimidating and exclusionary. For these purposes, WRC has created the following glossary. We envision this glossary to be a living document, we invite new and other perspectives and suggestions. WRC would like to express that it is not our intention to present a final and absolute definition of terms used. In many cases, what is needed is perhaps for you to talk about these terms at your organisation; do your staff know what terms are used and why? Use this document as a starting point for discussion and reflections on language. Women's Sector Glossary Women's Sector Solidarity Pledge This pledge has been created through a series of events initiated and organised by Women’s Resource Centre that took place in 2020/2021. The event series focused on the question What Does Solidarity Look Like? It is the basis of the conversations during these events that this pledge is made. It is the desire of WRC that organisations within and outside of the UK women’s sector will provide its commitment to this pledge, to work towards creating a strong sense of solidarity and commitment to women’s human rights in the UK. Women's Sector Solidarity Pledge 3% - funding landscape for the women's sector in London Our initial findings of our research into the funding landscape for the women's sector in London is that in 2020, only 3% of funding to civil society organisations in London was awarded to women's organisations. The research explores the initial findings in juxtaposition with the barriers that women's sector organisations may experience in accessing the funding available. 3% - funding landscape for the women's sector in London Thanks to the Big Lottery and the Civil Society Roots Project for enabling the creation of above resources. Manage Cookie Preferences