After the resounding success of our 2023 conference in London, Women’s Resource Centre is counting down to the second annual Women's Leadership Conference, set to take place in Manchester on 7th June 2024. This year, we are thrilled to collaborate with the Alternative Women's Economy (AWE) Manchester Women's Network to bring you an enriching and empowering event.

Theme and Focus

The one-day conference will delve into themes of economic justice and empowerment, specifically focusing on radical ideas and solutions for achieving financial independence for women. We will explore new methods of working, organising, delivering services, and supporting women and girls in ways that truly meet their needs.

Whilst national and regional governing administrations continue to fail dramatically to ensure our communities can thrive, women and women's organisations are the vanguard for humanity and social change. Up and down the country, women’s collective work saves women’s lives and supports them to navigate a hostile environment and thrive.

"We build solutions together on shoestring budgets! Imagine what we could do collectively with just a fraction of the billions of pounds our so-called leaders hold the purse strings of. Now more than ever, after decades of underinvestment, punitive policy making and the staggering impoverishment of women, children and communities, we know that it’s only us together who can build, maintain and empower ourselves and our communities."

"Our conference will demonstrate our ability to come together to create lasting change and embolden us to continue leading the way."

Vivienne Hayes, CEO of Women's Resource Centre

A Day of Inspiration and Collaboration

We are in Manchester in partnership with sister organisations who, despite years of lack of recognition, continue to be at the forefront of change. We honour and celebrate them in particular, along with all the women who will be joining us from across the country.

The day's agenda begins with an expert panel discussing strategies to achieve economic justice for women in a hostile environment. We are honoured to host this expert panel featuring esteemed speakers:

  • Rose Ssali - Chief Executive of Support and Action for Women's Network (SAWN)
  • Carrina Gaffney - Nurturing Alternative Realities Lead at Lankelly Chase
  • Rosie Lewis- Consultant for Frontline Services in Ending Violence Against Women and Children 

Amid the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, which disproportionately impacts women, and a government that falls short in addressing these challenges, this conference offers a unique opportunity for the women's sector to unite and explore radical solutions together.

Throughout the day, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a series of AM and PM workshops curated to align with their interests and professional goals.

The day will culminate in the presentation of the Audre Lorde Prize for Leadership in the Sector, followed by a networking drinks reception.

We must put down the patriarchal state-driven narrative that we are not worthy, we are not capable, and we are powerless.

Engaging Workshops

  1. Alternative Economies, Radical Solutions & Personal Finance: Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Description: Explore how the Hive blockchain creates alternative economies in Venezuela, brings fresh water to Ghana, tackles environmental conservation in South Africa, and supports artists in England. Through the Saturday Savers Club, you'll also discover opportunities for creating new wealth streams and decentralised ways of leading and organising.

Facilitators: Shani Lee and Barbara Nambuya CIA.

  1. Ways Out of Poverty for Migrant Women

Description: Explore alternative strategies to improve the lives of marginalised women and practical solutions to alleviate hardship and create opportunities.

Facilitators: Ruth Mbera and Jasmine Mohammad.

  1. Leadership for Change: Introducing the Network for Black Women Leaders and the Feminist Leadership Programme

Description: Explore what it means to be a leader of social change and how to attract and sustain talent within the women's sector in a session introducing WRC's leadership initiatives featuring a mentoring scheme for the Network for Black Women Leaders.

Facilitators: Evelina Svensson and Mariama Njie-Ceesay.

  1. Creative Solutions to our Sector's Funding Problems

Description: Explore creative and collective ways to resource our vital work. Learn tools and ideas to bring more money into the sector and participate in interactive exercises to pitch your organisation effectively to potential funders.

Facilitators: Mary Rose Gunn and Kiran Dhami

  1. Plotting Economic Justice Through Art

Description: Join our artist-in-residence as we use art to challenge economic injustice and inequality for women. This interactive workshop allows space for you to express complex ideas and narratives through co-creation while enjoying a fun and relaxing time.

Facilitator: Padma Rao.

  1. Building Resilient Regional Voices

Description: Women's Resource Centre has supported specialist women's organisations in London and Manchester to collaborate for greater voices and influence. This workshop explores the process of building collective organising, the challenges, opportunities, and long-term vision. Gain insights on how to build a stronger women's sector voice in your region.

Facilitators: Gurpreet Virdee and Dr. Sue Robson.

We aim to ignite inspiration and empower attendees to believe that social change is not only possible but that they are, and continue to be, active leaders in driving change. Together, we can develop radical ideas and leadership skills to advance economic justice and financial independence for women across the UK.

Although this event is now sold out, we encourage those interested in attending to contact us to join the waitlist.

Stay updated for future events and opportunities to collaborate by signing up for the WRC monthly newsletter.