• Are a small women's organisation or group?
  • Are you writing or about to write your COVID-19 emergency funding application?
  • Do you need additional support to help write an effective application?

We recently had a free 3 part fundraising webinar series for small women's organisations.

We are now offering 1-1 coaching sessions to our members to assist small women's charities to write effective applications.

There are two steps to register for a session:

1) Apply to be a WRC member (for free)

Sisterhood membership is free for women's charities and organisations. There is a quick application form.


2) Fill in the 1-1 booking form 

We will endeavour to fulfil all requests for 1-1s but filling in the booking does not guarantee a session.

Please note, the fundraisers will not write the application for you, but will coach in working on aspects of the application. 


If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]